dinsdag 29 maart 2011

Test; OPI nail polish grass green


I promised you to test my green nail polish I got with my order from ilovefashionnews. Maybe you remember that we ordered 3 heartbracelets. If you don't remember it, click here for the item.

Well, my 'in the bottle looking like puke' nail polish from OPI. I may not complain because it was free, but I do. When I unwrapped my box with bracelets in it, I was a bit excited what kind of color nail polish I would get. After the unwrapping of the box it was a bit of a disappointing. I hoped it was hot pink, light yellow or baby blue from koh, but instead of that I got a looking like puke greenish bottle from OPI. I tested it, more than a week and a half later. It doesn't look that bad, in fact, it is pretty cute! Judge yourself! Oh and by the way, there is no name on the bottle so I don't know the name.

OPI grass green.

Lots of love, the Brunette.

9 opmerkingen:

Catherine zei

okay tooootally love this nailpolish color!!

Vanesa zei

Hi girls!! Thank for your comment! I follow you.
Congrats for your blog, i love love love this nails color.

Veronika Novotny zei

Adorable colour, so much fun! Great to meet your blog ladies. xx veronika

Lisa zei

hi thanks for visiting me :) love your blog.. this green is just gorgeous!

i'm a new follower would love for you guys to follow me too!

Unknown zei

Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) This green is great for the Spring/Summer, while everyone else is wearing blues, pinks, etc you can stand out with this color.
Following on Bloglovin.

Roxy Heart zei

I love it! So cute!

Manon Margaretha zei

Dankje !
Ja de rok is van de H&M (:
Ik heb ook een groene nagellak (:

Jan zei

Oh supergaaf!

bettec zei

Love green. Also love that you can rock the short nails with it too (I have to keep mine short in my line of work). xo betts!

fashion party redux