woensdag 23 maart 2011

Walking on sunshine

Hi dear bloggers!
Yesterday we went to mugs & muffins, our aaaall time favourite coffee-shop. Almost every week we go there for some catching-up, chai tea latte and cupcakes. I took some pictures but i forgot to put my memory card in my compact camera (blonde, huh) so unfortunately we can't show you our favourite place right now.
Buuuuut, we did do some shopping and did make some pictures! The weather was soooo nice so we did some spring-shopping. We'll show you guys all our buys in the next couple of days! :)
The shirt in the picture we bought together by the way.
Enjoy the warm weather and the sun today!
Lots of love, the blonde

2 opmerkingen:

Roxy Heart zei

Cute blog!
Thanks for following me, I am following you guys now!

Anoniem zei

Thank you so much! Great blog! We can follow eachother if you want! :)
